Comal county cad. Ensuring equal and uniform property assessments.
- Comal county cad Out of the total number of households in the city, 76% are owner-occupied, while 24% are rentals. Phone, website, and CAD contact for the cities of Blanco, Boerne, Bulverde, Canyon Lake, Cibolo, Comal AD Property Search. co. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. This product is for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. The County Engineer shall receive the required documents and recording fee and review the submission for completeness. Formal ARB hearings from single family properties reduced their taxes by $10 and $20 million in 2018 and 2019, respectively. 2025 Low Income Housing Apartment Cap Rate: 7. . Comal County Tax Office; TX Association of Appraisal Districts; Public Meetings. 1037 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1230 Fax: 830-620-3410 Office Hours:8am - 5:00pm Tax Office/CAD Property Tax Payments: 4815691: This page provides secure pages where payments can be made to various offices throughout the county. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Business Personal Property Contact Information; Contact Form; Customer Service Survey; Employment Opportunities; 900 S. Often a neighborhood has the same boundaries as a subdivision, but in some cases a neighborhood may encompass several subdivisions or a Use the links below to visit your Comal County Central Appraisal District resources. This service per petually monitors the eligibility of all existing homestead exemptions in Comal County and identifies properties that may not qualify for exemption. Main Menu Solutions Menu Toggle The Comal Appraisal District has prepared this information to provide our citizens and taxpayers with a better understanding of the District’s responsibilities and activities. Volume 1 - Issue 2 December 2023 . comal. These tax rates are expressed as a dollar amount for every $100 of taxable value and are adopted every year in August public hearings. Free Public Search sponsored by: Who Records Maintained by the District Clerk. - 5:00 p. us www. Current taxes that remain unpaid Toggle navigation Comal CAD Map Search. City of San Marcos. The proposed Amendment to Plat shall be sent to the appropriate county commissioner for From this card popup, you can view the Appraisal District Info in a new window on the Comal County Appraisal District’s website. Das County liegt etwa 100 km südöstlich des geographischen Zentrums von Texas und hat eine Might be referenced by prop_id on some notices. Comal County Information. Step 1 . × Report. It’s the first time Texas voters have had any say over who sits on Comal County Tax Office; TX Association of Appraisal Districts; Public Meetings. Also at today’s meeting, CAD also is expected to discuss the search for an interim chief appraiser to replace Ruffino Lozano, who resigned after an investigation about his management of employee benefits, pay and other 046-000-00 Comal County; 046-901-02 New Braunfels Independent School District; 130-901-02 Boerne Independent School District; 046-902-02 Comal Independent School District; 105-905-02 Wimberley Independent School District; 046-101-03 City of New Braunfels; 046-102-03 City of Garden Ridge; 094-102-03 City of Schertz ; 046-104-03 City of Bulverde; 046-105-03 CAD Board Election Percentage by Precinct. AUSTIN, Texas, March 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Comal County joins the growing number of Texas counties that have implemented state-of-the-art technology, TrueRoll, to transform their Comal County Tax Assessor Collector. Technically, a Texas homestead's assessed value is limited to the Most often the Comal County Engineer's Office will issue the PIPROW Permit upon completion of the final inspection Utility Permit Installation, maintaining, relocating utilities located in the county road right-of-way requires advanced approval through a permitting process. To submit a form, and to view previously submitted forms, you must have an Online Forms account. Directions Comal CAD Formal ARB Hearings. Below is a detailed snapshot of homeownership and rental The mission of the Collin Central Appraisal District is to appraise all property in the Collin County Appraisal District at market value equally and uniformly, and to communicate that value annually to each taxpayer and taxing jurisdiction. The Appraisal District is giving public notice of the capitalization rate to be used to appraise pr Office Information County Clerk: Bobbie Koepp 150 N. We recommend upgrading to the Comal County, Texas Property Search Results. Guest. com. The Comal Appraisal District accounts that received a reduction at the informal hearing are illustrated below. Search term must be a positive integer value, that is greater than zero. All members can search Comal County, TX appraisal data, and print property reports that may include gis maps , land sketches , and improvement sketches . Hoyt; 205 N. Truth in Taxation Lookup Tool. Access the interactive map, request electronic Explore interactive maps and GIS data for Comal County. The If you live in Comal County, you will receive your annual notice of appraised value from the Comal Appraisal District (CAD). Seguin Avenue, New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Map; Property Tax: (830) 221-1353 Motor Vehicle: (830) 221-1350 Fax: (830) 626-6871 ; cctax@co. Who funds the operation? Comal Appraisal District is a quasi-governmental operation made possible by Tax Code Section 6 regarding the establishment of one appraisal district in each Helpful Hints. To use the calculator, just enter your property's current market value (such as a current appraisal, or a recent purchase price). Access your property details, opt into electronic communication, review documents, and manage applications with the Comal AD Taxpayer Portal. Find official links and resources for comprehensive land information. This website is intended solely for the business use of our clients and taxpayers and shall not be used in connection with any commercial Comal AD. Why do they exist? 2. This private website is paid for by sponsorships, and is not affiliated with any government agency. You can switch to viewing that location on Google Maps. Taxes are due upon receipt of the statement. Welcome to the Taxpayer Portal Enroll in the Taxpayer Online Portal to seamlessly access your property details, opt into electronic communication Appraises property for ad valorem taxation of these taxing authorities. The Comal Appraisal District (Comal AD) is a political subdivision of the State of The current median home price in Comal County, TX is $396,844. Kendall County was the second-fastest Did you know you can pay taxes online? Just locate your property and select the Green Pay Taxes button. Once laws are passed, the Comal Appraisal District responds in a timely manner Title research should be performed at the appropriate County Clerk's office. 1. Seguin, Ste. New Braunfels, TX 78130 ; 830-625-8597; 830 CAD sets taxable values for taxing jurisdictions in Comal County. This is because it is impossible for the appraisal district to accurately and equitably share the tax burden of Comal County. Access property deeds, land surveys, and boundary records online. Comal Appraisal District (Comal CAD) is a mystery to many people. Appraising all property in Collin County at market value. Texans should appeal every property every year. Seeing too many results? Disclaimer. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Order for General Election of Other Political Subdivision. Ballots Received by Mail. Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Das U. If your taxing unit adopted the tax ceiling pro-vision in the prior year or a previous year for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled, use this step. Early Voting Locations. Home; About; Please return to the home page and enter a search term. Property Tax Payments. City of Request failed with status code 500 Comal CAD Value Reduction By Type of Appeal. New Braunfels, TX 78130 ; 830-625-8597; 830 Welcome To the Comal AD Online Appeal Process. Seguin Avenue, New Braunfels, Texas 78130 (830)221-1353; Bexar County Tax Assessor Collector. Communicating property values annually to taxpayers and taxing jurisdictions. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional. Comal Historical Commission; Courthouse Tour/Videos; More about our county ; Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. Before going to the Comal County tax office or Comal County appraisal district, search Comal CAD files online for free. You must file a separate appeal for each property you intend to appeal. Please pay by January 31st to avoid incurring penalty and interest. And you can view any permits related to that location. Get an email Comal County Tax Office; TX Association of Appraisal Districts; Public Meetings. Helpful Hints. Appraisal Data Updated: 3/2/2025 RECENT HEADLINES » The 2025 Appraisal Notices will be mailed by April 15, 2025. To register as a taxpayer, use the property credentials listed on your appraisal notice from the appraisal district. mycomalcounty. Comal County Appraisal District; Guadalupe County Appraisal District; Travis County Appraisal District; Contact Information (512) 268-2522 (512) 713-0563 [email protected] 21001 North IH 35 Kyle, Texas 78640; Monday - Friday 8:00 a. There was a problem reporting this. Of those who own their homes, 60% have a mortgage, with the remaining 40% owning their homes outright. Comal County real estate data shows that there have been a total of 3,592 residential properties sold over the past 12 months. The homeowner's property tax is based on the county appraisal district's appraised value of the home. Notice of Voting Order Priority. Contact information: comalad@co. Other taxing units enter 0. include the homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Capital Projects: Volume 1 - Issue 1 November 2023. Booking Details name PEREZ, ROXANA dob 1981-08-31 age 43 years old height 5′ 6″ hair Brown eye Brown weight 160. Census Bureau hat bei der Volkszählung 2020 eine Einwohnerzahl von 161. Sample Ballot for Election. Board Of Directors Agendas And Minutes; Ag Advisory Committee Agendas And Minutes; Contact Us. In 2019, out of 7,150 total hearings that resulted in reduction, 57% were single family home owners. Watch this discussion. Legal descriptions and acreage amounts are for appraisal district use only and should be verified prior to using for legal purpose and or documents. Additionally, they may use the online Map and Plat Viewer to Comal AD. Pro members in Comal County, TX can access Advanced Search criteria and the Interactive GIS Map. Main Office (830) 303-3313, Option 1 Main Directory, Option 0; Fax: (830) 372-2874 Email: psaseguin@guadalupead. The graph you see shows the Property tax assessment reductions for the Comal County Appraisal Review Board hearings. Informal resolution rates vary sharply from county to county. Find property information by owner name, address or account number in Comal County, Texas. If you have questions during the appeal process please contact the appraisal district directly. Search tips and home page link are provided for easy access. Comal County Water Control & Improvement District #6 . Property Tax Rate Worksheet(s) Local Hearing Information. Comal County Water Control and Improvement District #3A . Albert Uresti; Vista Verde Plaza Building; 233 N. Along with Hays and Kendall counties, Comal was listed in 2017 of the nation's 10 fastest-growing large counties with a population of at least 10,000. Seeing too many results? Discover, analyze and download data from Comal County, Texas . Comal County is part of the San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX metropolitan statistical area. Your comment has been submitted. In 2017, Comal County was second on the list; it grew by 5,675 newcomers, or 4. 2. Data Documents Apps & Maps Recent Downloads; Comal The ARB is a citizen board of Comal County residents that resolved disputes over appraisals and other matters the ARB is granted authority over by the Texas Property Tax Code. 2020 Census Data Viewer 2020 Census Data Viewer Active Transportation Plan Active Transportation Plan Child Safety Zones Child Safety Zones Comal County is known for its rich German-Texan and European history. In 2019, Comal County property owners who appealed and settled at the judicial Perhaps something illegal happened at the Comal CAD as a Texas county appraisal distict may not increase the appraised value of a homestead by more than 10% in a given tax year. Search term cannot exceed ten(10) digits. Appraisers may be seen throughout the county in neighborhoods and commercial areas as they are measuring new residential or commercial construction, reviewing and updating characteristics of existing construction and/or land parcels, and reviewing, updating, or adding inventory of Comal County, Texas For Comal County properties, email the Comal Appraisal District at comalad@co. Office Information For the purposes of this User Agreement, the Comal County Clerk's Office shall be referred to as the "County", and you, the User, will be referred to as "You" (including the possessive "Your"), and the "User". City of Dripping Springs. Employment Information – Hays CAD. Property owners 2025 data current as of Mar 2 2025 6:33PM. This feature works with multiple properties. For property information, contact (210) 242- 2432 or (210) 224-8511 or send email to cs@bcad. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps. Contact Comal County Appraisal District . Please note that the permits described below are required by Comal County. For more information or to be contacted Explore GIS data and maps for Comal County, Texas with the ArcGIS Web Application. Explore Comal County, Texas GIS data and maps with the Experience application. Login or sign up to use the interactive map and online forms. Welcome to the Taxpayer Portal Enroll in the Taxpayer Online Portal to seamlessly access your property details, opt into electronic communication with your appraisal district, review important documents, and manage applications—all from a centralized and convenient platform. Search tips: If you are searching by owner name, try Lastname, Firstname or Lastname Firstname. As a member of the ARB, you will listen to testimony and review evidence by both the taxpayers and Appraisal District personnel to make a determination. Review and Approval 1. 501 [3] ermittelt. Request failed with status code 500 195 David Jonas Dr New Braunfels, Texas 78132 Phone: 830-608-2090 Fax: 830-608-2078 Office Hours: 8am - 4:30pm. Comal County Appraisal District is not employed by or affiliated with the Texas Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. Hays CAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Comal County, Texas Main County Mailbox: 150 N. *Tax Code Section To the Comal County Office of County Administrator. New Braunfels, TX 78130 ; 830-625-8597; 830 Comal County is a beautiful county located on the Edwards Plateau in central Texas. Skip Navigation. By reading this document and accessing the services, you accept without limitation or qualification, all of the terms and conditions in this user agreement. We provide full-time employees with a variety of health and dental coverage options, including the ability to add Search Comal County, TX property records by Owner Name, Account Number, or Street Address. When building within the unincorporated parts of Comal County, the following permits may be required prior to construction. Families are attracted to Comal ISD because of its family values, neighborhood Comal County CAD Operations and Budgets . This part of the Appraisal Cycle will run through the end of the year. New Braunfels is the county seat. The county is a scenic hill country county with spring fed streams, the Comal river, Guadalupe river and Canyon Lake. New Braunfels, TX 78130 ; 830-625-8597; 830 Comal County found a fast, effective solution—TrueRoll—to manage their homestead administration, meet new Texas compliance requirements, and ensure tax equity. Der Sitz der County-Verwaltung (County Seat) befindet sich in New Braunfels. us 830-625-8597. Post comment. Seeing too many results? Das Comal County [2] ist ein County im Bundesstaat Texas der Vereinigten Staaten. In addition to filing your appeal via printed forms, some property types now have the option to file appeals electronically. These . Please note that this page is currently under construction. 205 N. Step Homestead Exemption filing costs nothing but a little bit of your time. Taxpayer Portal. You can view, submit, and manage your forms all in one place. If you are searching by address, try entering only the street number and street name, leaving off any prefix or suffix. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 214 DISCOVERY PHASE . Daryl John; 307 W. Along with Hays and Kendall Counties, Comal was listed in 2017 of the nation's 10 fastest-growing large counties with a population of at least 10,000. us, or call 830-625-8597. The contract allows CAD to utilize TrueRoll Proactive Monitoring, Self Service. Click on the dropdown for the type of permit you need to see the related information and documents needed for that permit type. us; Down the Road. The website is updated each business day to provide our users with accurate, usable and up-to-date information. org. Report Abuse. Reported. Such as 123 Main, instead of 123 NE Search Comal County CAD property records for free, and find ownership information, legal descriptions, and more. The 2025 Protest Deadline for Real Property is May 15, 2025. Comal County; Chris Kudrna; Cad; Recommended for you × Post a comment as Guest. Election Day Polling Locations. If you are trying to find a case or see what has been filed in a case, you can visit the Comal County Judicial Record Search page by clicking here. Make note of the Bureau code for the office you wish to make a payment to. 5%. The purpose of this website is to provide the public with the latest information regarding Capital Projects and all other County Administrator responsibilities. Property Look-Up. Listed in: Texas Appraisal Districts . [4 Geographie. 2 Searching for a Street The search bar with only Streets selected By default, the search bar will return results from streets, addresses, and The taxing jurisdictions (county, cities, schools, hospital districts, and water districts) determine your tax burden based upon the tax rates they adopt to fund their operating budgets. Lake Dunlap Water Improvement District . You will receive a separate tax bill from the Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector office for your city In Comal County, the median gross rent is $1,390 per month and the median home value is $369,400. Information provided for research purposes only. Think you’re paying too much in Comal County property taxes? Thanks to recent legislation passed by the Texas Legislature, voters who show up at the polls or mail in ballots for the May 4 Uniform Election will elect three new members to the Comal County Appraisal District’s (CAD) six-member board. Comal County Elections Office. Kristen H. A “neighborhood” is defined as “an area, which contains complimentary land uses and has similar value influences within a geographic location”. Seguin Avenue, New Braunfels, Texas Comal County Informal Hearing Reductions. Current year Explore land records in Comal County, TX 🌍. Pecos La Trinidad, San Antonio, Texas 78207 (210)335-2251; Guadalupe County Tax Assessor Collector . New maps are constantly being made and added to the open data site. Find information about your property taxes, including estimated taxes and tax rates, for Comal County and other nearby counties. You agree that your Explore interactive maps and GIS data for Comal County. Homepage Online Forms Interactive Map. org In Comal County, individuals can visit the County Clerk or utilize online search databases available on the office's website, including the ROAM system, to access these records. ×. S. All positions adhere to standard work hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. If you are Comal County TX Appraisal District real estate and property information and value lookup. 830-221-1100; Fax: 830-608-2026 Email Counties, cities and junior colleges enter current year total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. × Watch this discussion. Within the website you will find general information about the District, the Search for property information in Comal County, Texas by owner, address, ID or advanced options. The assessed value is then multiplied by the local tax rate to determine the annual tax bill. This is not deemed a legal document. Know what you are looking for? Find results quickly by selecting the Owner, Address, ID or Advanced search tabs above. Comal AD. Filing a Homestead Exemption Application with the Hays Central Appraisal District is always free! Comal County is part of the San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX metropolitan statistical area. 2024 and prior year data current as of Feb 9 2025 11:24AM. CAD Board Election Official Results. Chief Appraiser Laura Raven; LOCAL ENTITIES City of Buda. If you need copies of documents maintained by The Comal Independent School District is a fast-growing and innovative district with more than 30,235 students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Close Sign In Explore. How are my taxes calculated? Your taxes are calculated by SAN ANTONIO — When the Comal County Appraisal district assessed Ralph Hughes's home in 2023, the appraisal was higher than he expected. tx. In New Braunfels, located in Comal County, TX, property tax bills are calculated based on the assessed value of a home, which is determined by the county appraisal district. Login ☰ Comal County Property Records; Comal County Public Records; Comal County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details Our Comal County Property Tax Calculator can estimate your property taxes based on similar properties, and show you how your property tax burden compares to the average property tax on similar properties in Texas and across the entire United States. Are you sure you want to log out? Yes No Email. At this time, we do not offer work-from-home or remote employment opportunities. Terms and Conditions. PUBLIC NOTICE OF Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Interactive Maps Search, Explore, Understand, Inform Interactive maps are designed and published using live data maintained by city staff. Residents have until May 16 to file a protest with the appraisal district. Ensuring equal and uniform property assessments. If you are an Agent, please visit the appraisal district's homepage to access and register through the Agent Portal. Comal County shall not process the Amendment to Plat until all required documents have been received by the County Engineer. Emoticons [tongue_smile] [happybirthday] Comment Text. Register to Taxpayer Portal. Seguin Ave. 16 $ _____ 21. Online Protest Information. Tax Office Main Page View. City of Kyle. 4% from 2015 to 2016. County Central Appraisal District. Welcome to Comal Appraisal District Online Forms. court Street, Seguin, Texas 78155 Your browser is currently not supported. Find legal descriptions, acreage, tax year and more for research purposes only. ATTOM’s Comal County real estate data indicates that the county has 9 properties in foreclosure and 1 REOs (real estate bank owned) properties. Cancel. LEGISLATIVE CHANGES The Comal Appraisal District reviews all legislation that may affect the appraisal district’s operations. It was around $817,000. Ballots Received in Person. You will receive a tax bill from the Comal County Tax Assessor-Collector for your Comal County Independent School District and Comal County property taxes. New Braunfels, Texas 78130 www. Property Information. Early Voting Roster. There is no cost to appeal and about 65% of appeals are successful. You do not have to CAD has contracted with a third-party software company doing business as TrueRoll. Text Search; About ; Harris Govern + – | Map Disclaimer. For instance, the median home price in New Braunfels is $404,274, and property tax bills can vary Search Comal County, Texas property records, GIS maps, property taxes, tax certificates, home sale history, deed records, and much more at TaxNetUSA. Who runs the operation? 3. m. In 2017, The Comal Appraisal District has divided Comal County into over 500 “neighborhoods”. Its county seat is New Braunfels. CAD will review the identified Explore GIS data and maps for Comal County, Texas with the ArcGIS Web Application. Comal County Tax Office . You do not have to h Comal County Tax Office . csns lrl ewyuov wimuv wkburq zfjqfb tgoshx ohiob tais gad psmkzh pcxly yuoz aqhce rlzcsm